When work comes home

When work comes home

It sounds so simple and obvious, but working from home has its pros and cons. This is my own experience of working as a medical transcriptionist and editor from home for more than 10 years.

Family is my first priority, so I selected a profession in which I can work from home. As a mother of two kids, working from home seems like a boon to me. When I started working from home, not everyone was familiar with it; everybody would be surprised after knowing my job. I used to get many enquiries regarding the details of work and some wanted training also J

Working from home can be a challenge. One needs to understand all pros and cons of work from home before choosing it.

For parents with childcare responsibility, working from home is the best option as it gives them the greatest flexibility. From this perspective I feel very satisfied, I spent more time with my kids and I am a proud mom - I was available for them whenever they needed.  Feeling less stressed with better work-life balance, healthier eating, working from one’s own couch with a comfortable outfit are some other benefits.
The same flexibility can be a minus too when your family and friends feel like you are more available than you are. Due to the time zone difference between my workplace and home, Monday was a holiday and Saturday was a working day for me! I had no holiday for our festivals. This mismatch caused minute disturbance during all the years of working.

Many people think there will be less distraction at home compared to office. It may be true in most cases, but for jobs demanding different time shifts, distraction is more at home. Replacing the distractions at office, new distractions pop up right at home.

Normally, commuting is often unpleasant and stressful. The biggest advantage of working from home is vastly reduced commuting stress. It saves a lot of time and money and employees can be least affected by bad weather and travel disruption. This obviously leads to more productivity.

Calm and quiet environment may be a boon, but on the other side it causes professional and social isolation. One feels isolated or separated from their colleagues and the work environment. This disconnect from co-workers is definitely a major downside of the work from home concept.

Technical  support
It is very common to have technical issues with computers and networks while working.  In office, these issues can be resolved quickly by in-house IT person, but while working from home it takes longer to get those issues fixed.

Employer  benefits
When it comes to employers, being able to recruit from a larger pool of talent regardless of geographical restrictions is the biggest advantage. With employees using their own computer, electricity and other utilities, it is a money saver for employers.

Tips for working effectively
Of course, working from home sounds great with the freedom to work whenever or wherever, it is not that simple in practicality, but by making a few adjustments it will be easier and happier.
  • ·        Set a specific work space - the best way to have focus on work
  • ·        Stick to your schedule -  let your family and friends know your schedule
  • ·        Avoid distractions – put your phone away in working hours
  • ·        Get dressed – really, a professional outfit  creates an impact
  • ·        Stay in contact with co-workers – to avoid feeling lonely and isolated

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