A journey through a week

Hey Magnificent Monday, you are so special!

Some feel you are torturing them and some feel you are a fresh start.  Who feel that you are boring, is not your problem. It’s them not waking up feeling excited to go to their work. Actually, even they are ready to experience the miracles that happen during a shiny new week, feeling inside that you are the perfect day to correct last week’s mistakes. 

People who don’t like you simply say “Oh no! Monday again?”, but they are always trying to stay positive, fighting you with a strong cup of coffee, and reminding themselves that they are awesome, just so they are ready to sparkle and shine on the first day of a working week.

It’s true, you are very special - rebooting minds to stay positive, work hard, and making the week to come peaceful and beautiful.

Hello Tuesday, are you terrific or tremendous?

There is controversy with you too; HR managers say you are the most productive day of the week whereas employees say you are just Monday’s ugly sister.

Everyone complains that you make them more focused on work and force them to follow their work schedule most effectively. We can’t blame you too because no one is willing to work on a Monday, so you are making them settle back into their routine after the weekend.  Finally, they feel like they made some progress and are subconsciously traveling towards their goals, putting their plan into action.

Well done! You are tremendous! You proved to be the most productive.

Hi Wonderful Wednesday, can you be a winning Wednesday?

Your significance is surprising.  Everyone just call you a ‘hump day.’ You are neither voted as a favorite day nor a hectic one. But we try to fill you with things that will help us in growing and getting better so we get real happiness pursuing our dreams, accomplishing goals.

One thing everyone agrees is you are the point of speeding up because we are more aligned with full of clarity and inspiration, in fact the best work day.  When faith in skills and abilities increases, the best thing that can happen in the middle of the week is increased self-confidence.

Oh! Wonderful... you are a Winning Wednesday, no doubt.

Dear Thoughtful Thursday, you are Thankful Thursday too…

Thoughtful Thursday, yes, you give a perfect moment to look back at all we have achieved with an open mind to appreciate where we have been in the process. After having been good all the week, we are very fond of you with the delightful feeling you offer. You are the finest day where we can relax thinking that we are only one day away from the weekend.  

You are a positive and stress-free day for almost everyone and of course, we are open to negotiation and compromise to wrap up the work in a relaxing manner. We deal with our problems and decisions with peace and quiet.

Thank you Thursday! You are a comfort before an exciting weekend.

Hello Fabulous Friday!

Wow!  It’s time to bask in your glory. We have been waiting for you since Monday. We just can’t imagine a week without you.  Everyone is excited for the upcoming weekend, exhausted from the week that is coming to an end.

A common belief about you is being a less productive day, but there is no inherent reason to call you like that.  You may not be suitable for larger tasks, so what; you are an exemplary multi-tasking day providing a chance to complete more number of smaller tasks.

You are opening the doors of opportunity to spend time with loved ones, for bonding with others, exploring interests and relaxing. You are fabulous.

Hey Sweet Saturday!

Finally, you are here.  No external control, no time pressure.  Can you imagine how important the free time is for an individual's well-being? You are amazing. We all tend to feel ‘weekend happiness’ regardless of what is happening in our lives.

You are a good day to have a good day.  You are recharging us, boosting our mood, creating an opportunity to re-invent ourselves. You know why both people who had productive and unproductive week wait for you? The people who had a productive week wait for you to relax and rejuvenate while the rest eagerly wait for you to build new strategies and plan for a successful week.

No other day is sweeter than you.

Hello Happy Sunday! You are blessed and Beautiful

You are like a celebration, unique in your own way being delightful, giving lots of enjoyment and fun.  You are the energizer for the upcoming week.

You give us dual experiences; right when we feel happy spending each and every minute cheerfully with our family and friends, the anxiety of Monday kicks in. Since you bring this stress every time you come, we cultivate a habit of not responding to negative things and not letting little things breakdown our happiness.

There is always something new in you to learn and feel. The greatest feeling is when we appreciate all the blessings in our life and get enough strength to start the new week with a clean heart.

Yes! You are blessed and beautiful.

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